Ground Yourself in Strength and Stability
Inspired by the resilience and solidity of the earth, the Earth Aura represents stability, patience, and endurance. The Earth Aura, like the mighty mountains, is the foundation that supports and grounds us. These crystals offer emotional and spiritual support, providing lasting security and strength. With the power of the mountains, rooted in the earth, you can face challenges and move forward with unwavering confidence.

Smoky Quartz Guardian Bracelet
$468.00 $390.00
Multi-Colored Tiger’s Eye Bracelet
$468.00 $390.00
Green Phantom Quartz Crystal Bracelet
$545.00 $468.00
Tiger's Eye Floral Charm Bracelet
$234.00 $203.00
Earth Tone Gemstone Necklace
$701.00 $623.00
Green Phantom Quartz Crystal Sphere
$623.00 $545.00
Smoky Quartz Grounding Bracelet
$390.00 $312.00