


How to CONNECT with crystals

How to CONNECT with crystals

When you connect with crystals, your body fills with light.
Here are two deep breathing techniques to help you connect with your crystals. The first method is performed while lying down and is more suitable for those with meditation experience. If you don’t usually meditate, you might find yourself falling asleep easily. The second method is ideal for connecting with handheld crystals.


🔮 Method 1:

🙆🏻‍♀️ Step 1:
Lie down flat and place the crystal about 7 cm above the top of your head, with the pointed end facing your head. Gently close your eyes.

🌞 Step 2:
Visualize the crystal radiating light. Imagine it glowing in the same color as the crystal itself.

🫧 Step 3:
Inhale, and as you do, visualize the light entering your body through the top of your head, moving down to your third eye chakra, and then continuing to your throat chakra and heart chakra. With each breath, consciously guide the light downward, moving through your solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra until it reaches the base of your spine. This helps each chakra to be touched by the crystal’s light.

🌬️ Step 4:
Exhale slowly and imagine the air rising along your spine, carrying away all your anxiety and tension as it exits through the top of your head.

💫 Step 5:
With every inhale, repeat step 3, visualizing the crystal’s light filling your body. With every exhale, release all tension, imagining the light inside you growing brighter and brighter.

🖊️ Step 6:
Now, focus on how the crystal’s light feels in your body. Pay attention to any images, sounds, or words that come to mind, and be open to receiving any messages the crystal might be offering.

⚠️ If you feel dizzy while using this method, stop at any time. Get up, kneel on the floor, and place your forehead on the ground. Take a few deep breaths and feel the contact between your body and the ground.


🔮 Method 2:

🧘 Step 1:
Find a quiet space and sit comfortably.

🫧 Step 2:
Hold the crystal in your left hand or both hands, placing it at your heart chakra. Slowly inhale while counting to four, visualizing the air passing through the crystal and entering your body at the heart chakra. Hold your breath for a count of four, imagining the air infused with the crystal’s energy filling your entire body. Slowly exhale for a count of four, releasing tension and anxiety through your nose. Hold your breath for another count of four, focusing your attention on your hands and the sensation of holding the crystal. This completes one full cycle of breath connection.

💫 Step 3:
Repeat the breathing technique in step 2 for three full cycles. Feel free to do more if needed.

🖊️ Step 4:
Throughout the process, pay attention to how your body feels and any images, sounds, or words that come to mind.

💗 Have you experienced anything unique when connecting with crystals?


We look forward to hearing your experiences and sharing the energy of crystal connection!


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